Starting with my "standard load" which does not include Apache:
# yum install tomcat6 tomcat6-admin-webappsThis will snag a quantity of dependencies, but will install with the web manager broken. Before starting Tomcat we will need to "fix" the web manager. While were at it, lets do some reorganizing:
# ls -l /usr/share/tomcat6/ | awk '{print $8" "$9" "$10}Okay... They tried to organize things, but I've never seen anybody put in /usr/share on a production system. Let's go with /opt:
conf -> /etc/tomcat6
lib -> /usr/share/java/tomcat6
logs -> /var/log/tomcat6
temp -> /var/cache/tomcat6/temp
webapps -> /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps
work -> /var/cache/tomcat6/work
# mkdir /opt; cd /opt; ln -s /usr/share/tomcat6 tomcatTime to fix the manager. Web manager will ask for the user the authenticate, even though not user is allowed, by default.
# ln -s tomcat $(cd /usr/share/doc; ls -d tomcat6-*)
# ls -l | awk '{print $8" "$9" "$10}'
tomcat -> /usr/share/tomcat6
tomcat6-6.0.18 -> tomcat
# cd conf; grep manager tomcat-users.xmlOne of the lines should show the user "tomcat" with the role of "manager". Notice the line is commented. Obviously we un-comment the line to allow a manager. We should now be ready:
# service tomcat6 restartHit the manager at something like:
I ran into the same issue. Although when I tried to do a yum install tomcat6-admin-webapps it couldn't find the package in the Red Hat yum repo (which I thought was odd). I had to log into the Red Hat Network portal and download the package.
You have to subscribe to the "RHEL Server Optional" channel in order to get this package available through yum.