Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bolla Soave

There is an important story behind this one.

When I lived in Tennessee, this was one of my favorite wines, but when I moved "up North", I couldn't find it anywhere. I learned that Bolla is significant exporter of Italian wine, but Soave was hard to come by. I tried several of their other verietals, but found my motto of "one wine per winery" held true, in that only one of Bollo's others met my standards (Valpiocella).

Then one day, I was in wine store I'd never visited, and there, on the bottom shelf, was three very dust bottles. They were 2004's, so my guess is that they had been down there for several years, and kept getting pushed to the back. The best part is that they had never been repriced! I grabbed all of them!

They were not stored well, so I didn't have high hopes for the quality, but this one was as good as I remembered. If they had been cellared, I sure it would have been better. One very important thing to notice about this bottle: the label is different than all other Bollos. If you find this label, its the one you want.

Last piece of trivia: I was in Rome at the Waldorf Astoria Roma Caveleri, and this was the wine in the mini bar. When one of the premier Italian hotels stocks their mini bar with an wine, that should be an indication of its status. Though this bottle was closer to a 7, based on past performance and other data, I'm going 8 of 10.

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