Saturday, January 01, 2005

New Year, New Adventures

Welcome to the New Year. As they say on VH1: “2005 is sure to be the best year ever!” I don’t watch VH1, my kids do.

I’ve made several big changes to the site, with a few smaller ones forthcoming. The blog, which had become tedious, as had my life, has now moved to, where I’m sure things will be much more exciting. I’ve also linked to a mobile photo blog (moblog) service and have had some fun with that. Luckily, I travel enough to see lots of interesting stuff. Initially, I have been a little disappointed with the availability for moblog integration, but we’ll work on that.

A few areas have been retired from the main menus, like Qbasic and Palm Computing. Qbasic has been dead for years. It took some soul searching over the last few months to bring myself to abandon Palm, but they just haven’t kept up with their lead. They’ve been loosing market share, have been dropped by some big licensee’s, and have gone in the wrong direction with their wireless connectivity. (The only upside to Palm’s impending demise is that Microsoft isn’t winning, either.)

Something else I’m having fun with is my new Bunger Tracker. I’ve developed a process of letting people track my movements via my cell phone. (Just for the record, the cell phone companies know where you are, so there is no use whining about it.) The page displays an icon on a map showing current city and movements.

It’s been a great holiday, and Monday, we start a big new adventure. Stay tuned.

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