by PopeAlien (164869) on Wednesday June 08, @02:34PM (#12760276)
I dont get nearly as much spam as that, but even a few hundred a day is pretty irritating. My solution is to delete all email as soon as I get it.
I figure if its important I'll get a phone call.
by Everleet (785889) on Wednesday June 08, @02:48PM (#12760451)
Funny, I delete all phone calls as soon as I get them. I figure if it's important I'll get an IM.
by DoomHaven (70347)
Funny, I delete all IMs as soon as I get them. I figure if it's important, I'll get a visit.
by Poltras (680608) on Wednesday June 08, @03:03PM (#12760591)
Funny, I delete all of my visitors as soon as they show up. I figure if it's important, the police will come and circle the house.
by AndersOSU (873247) on Wednesday June 08, @03:07PM (#12760630)
Funny, in Soviet Russia the police delete you.
The original post.
I looked at the Slashdot chain, I think they may have overlooked another spam issue that Bill is having. His new, cutting edge, mobile device is now useless.